Hypertension & its Management

Blood pressure is the force that our body’s blood exerts against the walls of our blood vessels to pump blood all around the body with the help of our heart. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury which is also abbreviated as mm Hg and there are two types of blood pressure including-

Systolic Blood Pressure- It indicates the pressure that our blood is exerting against the arteries when our heart Beats and it is also referred to as the First number. 

Diastolic Blood Pressure- It indicates the pressure exerted by the blood against the arterial walls when the heart is in the resting phase. This is also known as the second number. When the blood pressure range is less than 120/80 mm Hg, then it is considered as the normal range, and our heart is considered as a healthy heart, but when the blood pressure range 

But the fun fact present here is that if our blood pressure range is above the normal range is 120/80 mm Hg but it is lower than 130/80 mm Hg, means it is between the range 120-129 of systolic and less than 80 mm Hg diastolic than it is considered as the Elevated Blood Pressure and this Elevated BP can be controlled if lifestyle changes are adopted and proper measures are taken, but if it is neglected than, it will soon be converted into the range of High Blood Pressure and the Individual will soon become a Patient of Hypertension. Hypertension which is also known as High Blood Pressure is a Deadly Killer which leads to many Other forms of Heart diseases, and many other complications and even sometimes causes the death of the individual, it kills the individual silently with not much visible symptoms and is therefore, knows as the Silent Killer of life. Hypertension occurs due to the narrowing of the arteries, the narrower the arteries, the higher the resistance the blood has to face in traveling throughout the body, and the higher will be the blood pressure. Hypertension develops slowly over the course, of time and it doesn’t show visible symptoms but without visible symptoms high blood pressure can cause a serious threat to major organs like the heart, Kidneys, and even to the eyes. Therefore, the ultimate goal of hypertension treatment is lowering down high blood pressure and taking it to the normal range, Focusing on healthy lifestyle habits, and protecting the important organs of the body like heart, brain, and kidneys. 

Management and Treatment of Hypertension- Hypertension is a serious problem and is one of the leading causes that leads to the development of other Cardiovascular diseases. It develops slowly and gradually and ultimately causes the death of the individual in more severe cases. Therefore, it is important to diagnose it early and start its management and the treatment. Treatment of Hypertension involves both Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. The goal of the treatment is to control the blood pressure within the normal limits by modifying the diet, changing the lifestyle and behavioral aspects or by use of Drugs. Non- Pharmacological treatment involves changing the lifestyle, adopting a healthier active schedule, achieving a gradual weight loss to achieve the goal of optimum weight, and getting adequate nutrition by modifying dietary habits one of the most important factors is the elimination of the stress levels. While in the cases of severe Hypertension, where alone lifestyle changes and dietary modifications can’t control the situation use of certain medicines or pharmacological treatment is there. 

Non- Pharmacological Treatments- The deadly spectrum of this “Silent killer” that is Hypertension or high blood pressure can be controlled by adopting a healthier lifestyle and doing some modifications like- 

Increasing the time spent on Physical Activity- The goal of reaching an optimum weight or reducing the resistant fat on our body can only be achieved if along with adequate nutritional intake, the person is spending few minutes on any kind of Physical workout on a daily basis, and for the patient with hypertension, cardio workout will be a great option. Being Physically active will not only help in losing the extra pounds but it will also help in the elimination of stress levels, giving the person the feeling of happiness along with that it also helps in strengthening the myocardial fibers of the heart which will be great for supporting the Heart health of a Hypertensive patient. The Aim of the person should be getting at least 150 minutes spent on moderate physical activity per week that is 30 minutes a day. 

Stress Management- Stress is the deadliest factor that deteriorates the body from the inside slowly and gradually. The more stress the person takes, the unhealthier he/she will be because when we take stress some stress hormones are released in our body namely Cortisol and Adrenaline and these hormones have a huge impact on the overall health of the patient. The aim of a Hypertensive patient is not to take much stress. Some of the techniques that he/she can apply for its elimination- Meditation, Exercise, massage, muscle relaxation and Yoga. 

Reaching a Healthier Weight- Obesity is one of the leading factors that lead to the development of Hypertension and therefore, achieving an optimal amount of weight is essential. Males with a waist circumference of more than 94 cm and females with a waist circumference of more than 80 cm have double the chances of developing hypertension, therefore it becomes essential to achieve a Healthier weight. Developing healthier Dietary habits- • For reducing the risk of high blood pressure, dietary modifications also need to be considered along with lifestyle changes. Dietary modifications are essential for the prevention off certain complications like heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure and heart attack. A heart health diet focuses more on the fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins like fish. • Hypocaloric Diet is given to the person with the aim of balancing the body’s energy needs so that to bring down the weight to the optimal range and maintain it at that level. • Protein intake must be 15-20% of the total energy requirements and the majority of the protein consumed should be from the plant origin and excess amount of animal protein should be avoided. • Fat intake should be % of the total energy requirements and saturated fats should be substituted with MUFA and PUFA. 

DASH Diet- Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is the diet given to patients for lowering their increased blood pressure and taking it to the normal range. This diet focuses more on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. This type of diet is low in red meat, salt, fats and sugar. o There are many potential benefits of this type of diet which includes- 

Lowering down the elevated levels of Blood pressure, it also helps in the process of weight loss an along with these benefits DASH diet helps in reducing the risks of Diabetes, Heart disease, and even reduces the risk of Cancer.  Along with the above-mentioned dietary habits highly salted foods such as crackers, potato chips, salted snacks and other processed foods need to be avoided. Sodium Restricted Diet- Sodium restriction also needs to be considered for a patient suffering from Hypertension. The amount of Sodium restriction that is to be done, depends upon the severity of the Hypertension. Pharmacological Treatment- If alone the dietary modifications and the lifestyle changes are not able to control Hypertension, then along with them Pharmacological treatment that is the use of certain medicines also need to be considered. Certain medication are given to the patient for lowering down their increased blood pressure. • Beta-blockers: These are the medicines that causes the Heart to beat slower and with less force which lowers the blood pressure by reducing the amount of blood flow in the arteries. • Diuretics: These are also known as water pills, that helps the kidneys to remove excess sodium and water from the body thus maintaining the blood pressure. • ACE inhibitors: Angiotensin causes the blood vessels and artery walls to tighten and narrow. ACE inhibitors stops the body from the production of this chemical which helps the blood vessels to relax and reduces the resistance inside them. • Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs): These medications stops the hormone angiotensin II from narrowing the blood vessel by blocking angiotensin from binding with receptors.

Conclusion- High Blood pressure or Hypertension is a serious problem that eventually leads to a number of complications. It is known as the Silent Killer because it kills the individual gradually and unrecognized because it do not show too many visible symptoms. But when it happens it puts the person in a vicious cycle of many diseases therefore, it is essential to keep a check on it. This can only be done by adopting a healthy active lifestyle and by understanding that the investments that we do today on this body will pay us a big ROI in the future. If the patient is suffering from Hypertension then it can be reversed by adopting a healthier lifestyle by engaging in physical activities, eliminating the substance or any type of Drug abuse and the most important thing- Eliminating the STRESS levels along with the Dietary modifications. Medications also play an important role, it is important to always be in touch with the Doctors and follow his guidelines. But as said that- Prevention is always better than the Cure, so the goal of the society is the prevention of this Deadly condition and if the above-mentioned guidelines are followed then this will help in achieving the Goal of- “Healthier Society, Healthier You”

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